How to Wash Hand Wraps Effectively

Hand wraps are an indispensable accessory for anyone engaged in Boxing or MMA. They offer the necessary support and protection to the hands and wrists during intense training sessions. However, like every piece of equipment, they demand regular care. One of the most vital aspects of this care is ensuring they are clean. This not only preserves the integrity of the wrap but also ensures that your boxing gloves remain hygienic. In this guide, we’ll elucidate the straightforward yet essential steps to wash your hand wraps, ensuring they last longer and stay fresh for every training session.

Preparing and Washing Your Wraps

Before delving into the washing process, understanding the initial steps is crucial to ensure your wraps are washed correctly, preserving their structure and color.

Seal the Velcro

The Velcro on your wraps is incredibly beneficial when securing them around your wrists. However, during washing, they can pose challenges. Always ensure that the Velcro is sealed before washing. This simple act can prevent unnecessary wear and tear during the washing process. By making sure the Velcro pieces adhere to each other, you protect them from latching onto other fabrics, which can weaken their grip over time.

Use a Mesh Laundry Bag

Hand wraps, given their length, can quickly get entangled, not just with each other but with other clothes. To prevent this, always wash them inside a nylon lingerie bag. This bag is a protective shield, ensuring your wraps aren’t tangled or damage other clothes. Before initiating the wash, ensure the bag is securely zipped up, keeping the wraps inside throughout the washing process.

Colour Considerations

Like any garment, the colour of your wraps can bleed, especially if they are new. If your wraps are of a neutral hue like white, tan, or grey, you can safely wash them with similar clothes. However, for brightly coloured wraps, such as red or royal blue, it’s always best to wash them separately. This practice ensures that the dye doesn’t bleed onto other clothes, maintaining the vibrancy of your wraps and the cleanliness of your other garments.

Detergent and Settings

The choice of detergent and washing settings can significantly impact the longevity of your wraps. Opt for an all-purpose laundry detergent for a thorough clean without being too harsh on the fabric. Depending on the size of your load, adjust the detergent quantity. A full cup is suitable for a regular load, but if you’re washing only the wraps, a third or half cup will do. Always select a delicate cycle with cold water to ensure the wraps are cleaned gently, preserving their structure and elasticity.


After washing, there are a few steps to ensure they are ready for drying. Remove the wraps from the laundry bag immediately after the cycle concludes. This action prevents any lingering moisture from staying trapped inside. If you’ve washed other clothes, you can dry them as usual.

Drying Your Wraps

The drying process of your wraps is as crucial as washing them. While using a tumble dryer for a quick solution might be tempting, the heat and tumbling action can twist and damage the wraps. Instead, air drying is the recommended method. Drape each wrap across the bottom of a hanger, ensuring they are spread out and centered for even drying without any creases. Find a dry spot, like your bedroom, bathroom, or even a front porch, and let them air dry. Typically, they should be dry and ready in 1-3 hours, depending on the ambient humidity.


For those who train frequently, consider investing in multiple pairs of wraps. This approach means you won’t find yourself washing them nightly, and you’ll always have a fresh pair on hand. Regular washing ensures hygiene and extends the lifespan of your wraps. So, cultivate a habit of washing them after every few uses.


Hand wraps are more than just a piece of fabric; they serve as a protective barrier for your hands, ensuring you can train harder and longer. By adhering to the steps outlined above, you can ensure they remain in top-notch condition, ready to support you in every training session. Remember, the longevity of your wraps is influenced not just by how you use them but also by how you care for them. Here’s to practical training sessions with well-maintained wraps!